What makes a good friend?
What are the qualities of a good friend
A good friend is always honest, doesn’t lie and always stands up for what is right. A friend always tells you what you are doing wrong. Friends are always honest with you when they don’t want to be friends with you. A friend is always honest about personal stuff.
A good friend is always supportive, is always cheerful and never lets the blue get to you. Friends are those who support you all the way. A good friend is someone who is always cheerful and cheers you on when you are sad.
A good friend is funny, playful and always full of joy. A good friend is someone who lights up everyones day. A friend is someone that is always playful no matter the case. A good friend is someone that is full of joy, doesn’t matter if they’re sad or angry but they’re always full of joy.
A good friend is serious, always on task and is not afraid to say that something is right or wrong. A good friend is someone who never lets others distract them. A friend is someone who is always fearless and never gets upset.
A good friend is loyal, respectful and always lends a helping hand. A friend is someone who respects other privacy. A good friend is someone you can trust. A friend is reliable and always has an extra helping hand.
A good friend is energetic, super active and always has a bouncing heart. A friend is someone who always has a bouncing heart no matter the cause. A good friend is someone who is super active and always jumps in active activities.
A good friend is smart, has a big brain and always shares his or her thoughts. A friend is someone who has no problem sharing their ideas. A good friend is someone who has a big brain and thinks like no one else.
A good friend has a good personality, has a good way of finding friends and doesn’t matter what others think. A friend is someone who has a good personality and always has a unique way of finding things. A good friend has a unique way of finding friends and always plays friendly. A good friend is someone who never cares what others think about them and just does what they do best.