Category: Hanga | Create

Toa Samoa SLJ

What is the meaning of the Samoan flag.

One of the activities that I did today was finding out what the colours in the Samoan flag mean. The white means purity, the blue means freedom and the red means courage.

Explanation Writing

What makes a good friend?

What are the qualities of a good friend

  • Honesty

A good friend is always honest, doesn’t lie and always stands up for what is right. A friend always tells you what you are doing wrong. Friends are always honest with you when they don’t want to be friends with you. A friend is always honest about personal stuff. 

  • Supportive

A good friend is always supportive,  is always cheerful and never lets the blue get to you. Friends are those who support you all the way. A good friend is someone who is always cheerful and cheers you on when you are sad. 

  • Funny (sense of humor)

A good friend is funny, playful and always full of joy. A good friend is someone who lights up everyones day. A friend is someone that is always playful no matter the case. A good friend is someone that is full of joy, doesn’t matter if they’re sad or angry but they’re always full of joy.

  • Serious

A good friend is serious, always on task and is not afraid to say that something is right or wrong. A good friend is someone who never lets others distract them. A friend is someone who is always fearless and never gets upset.


  • Loyal

A good friend is loyal, respectful and always lends a helping hand. A friend is someone who respects other privacy. A good friend is someone you can trust. A friend is reliable and always has an extra helping hand.


  • Energetic

A good friend is energetic, super active and always has a bouncing heart. A friend is someone who always has a bouncing heart no matter the cause. A good friend is someone who is super active and always jumps in active activities.


  • Smart

A good friend is smart, has a big brain and always shares his or her thoughts. A friend is someone who has no problem sharing their ideas. A good friend is someone who has a big brain and thinks like no one else.


  • Personality

A good friend has a good personality, has a good way of finding friends and doesn’t matter what others think. A friend is someone who has a good personality and always has a unique way of finding things. A good friend has a unique way of finding friends and always plays friendly. A good friend is someone who never cares what others think about them and just does what they do best.

Why Cultural Celebrations are important in schools


 Why Cultural Celebrations are important in schools

Cultural celebrations are important in school because we can learn about different cultures and learn from people’s cultural experience.



The reason why identity is important in schools is because many teachers and children don’t really know much about they’re own culture. With this many children who know about they’re culture can then teach teachers and children about they’re own culture.


How cultural celebrations are celebrated in schools

Cultural celebrations can be celebrated in schools in many different ways depending on the culture, such as if it is Samoa then maybe you can set up an umu or if it is Moari celebrations you can maybe start a hangi.


How schools celebrate different cultures

Although many schools celebrate different cultures, many other schools around the world hardly know anything about Pasifika celebrations and many schools hardly ever celebrate cultures.


What ways can cultures be celebrated and when in schools

Many cultures can be celebrated such as Samoan, Maori and Tongan. Many more cultures can be celebrated multiple times during the year but more often people celebrate cultures during the language week such as Samoan Language Week or Tongan Language week.


Responsibilities and Experience

“With great power comes great responsibility”. That famous phrase has many things attached to it with the topic. You can have the power and the responsibility to showcase your experience with other people who know nothing about your culture.


So to answer this question, I think Cultural Celebrations are important in schools because kids can experience new things and get to know more about certain cultures.